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Friday 18 June 2010

Summing up on ERP

Just a few more words on ERP...

I like to emphasize that despite the major initial investment,  ERPs are not just for big corporates. Small businesses and start ups can benefit more than they realize.

ERPs have been developed acording to the needs of different companies with same needs and possibly within the same industry.

For startups for example, in particular where experience is limited, some of the features of the system can actually make the entrepreneur realize some opportunities or 'know hows' which otherwise could remain unknown. Or even worse, could become known after making a big mistake.

On the other hand, there will be more transparency of business processes within the same industry which in some case could be viewed as decreasing a competitive advantage if it relates to a particular feature of the system. 

However, the main problems in many cases arise, when copmanies do not carry out sufficient research  before implementing ERP and this is when businesses would be forced to adapt to ERP more than they would desire.


  1. for medical stuff we have EMR . reconds which ease out a lot of stuff in terms of complex interactions with legacy systemz !!!

  2. Electronic Medical Records... the system I used was called R4, later changed to Kodak/Practice works...a bit more than EMR. Not flawless, but a great system which helped me a lot.
